The Interface
Like a fighter jet you had to track down the projects, lock your device to it, shoot it and then watch it.
David Boon: Brackets
Only using brackets.
David Boon: Brackets
and brackets.
David Boon: Brackets
and brackets.
Marthe Van Dessel: Code
Based on a code to crack it.
Marthe Van Dessel: Code
Based on a code to crack it.
Joke Hautekiet: Trainfont
Based on typography she found on train wagons.
Joke Hautekiet: Trainfont
Based on pictures she made while travelling each day to the workshop.
Joke Hautekiet: Trainfont
Clever use of negative values in font widths can produce this stuff.
Veerle Claes: Transform
Every font separately was basically just a blob.
Veerle Claes: Transform
You needed the three layers to be able to read it.
Veerle Claes: Transform
Multilayered font.
Leen Ruyters: Accident
Inspired by an accident her boyfriend had. Therapeutic font design.